Reduce Hazardous Waste At Your Hotel

Disposing items at a hotel is not as simple as providing a dumpster for your housekeeping staff, maintenance team, and hotel guests to use for their disposal needs. You need to adhere to the guidelines associated with hazardous waste disposal and there are many items that may constitute as hazardous waste. If your housekeepers are using chemical products to clean with or if a guest thinks that they have free reign to throw away used batteries, computer printing equipment, or automotive fluids, you could be deemed noncompliant and at risk of being fined.

Does Your Backyard Need A Makeover Now That Your Kids Are Grown? 4 Things To Consider For The Dumpster Rental

Your backyard has worked well over the years, and your kids may have enjoyed things such as having a playhouse or trampoline to keep them busy. Now, however, your kids are all grown up, and you no longer need so many toys taking up space in your backyard. You may also be ready to replace outdated toys with something that lends itself better to your adult lifestyle such as a hot tub or workshop.

Three Things You Need To Know About Hazardous Waste Disposal For Your Business

If your business is using chemicals that are dangerous to the environment, there are certain ways that they need to be disposed of. These protocols for waste disposal are beyond the scope of your business, regardless of the nature of your product or service. There are a few things you should understand about the process of disposal. First, you need to locate your hazardous waste Your first step is to identify the hazardous waste.

Tips For Getting The Junk Out Of Your Spare Room

Whether you are tired of looking at the mess, you have some family coming to stay with you, or you just found that you have will have a new addition to the family in a short nine months, that junky spare room of yours needs to be cleaned out. Being a spare room, you probably didn't think that you would need it, so it just become a catch-all for all of your "

Cleaning Out Your Home? Three Items You Should Consider Donating And Three Items You Should Consider Tossing

Spring is just around the corner, and in a short period of time, many people will begin the process of spring cleaning their homes. As more and more people are aware of the impact they have on the environment, people are making a more conscious effort to sell or donate household goods that they no longer need before they dispose of them, causing these items to end up in a landfill.